منتديات ورقلة لكل الجزائريين والعرب
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركـاتـه

أهلا وسهلا في منتديات ورقلة لكل الجزائريين والعرب نحن سعداء جدا في منتداك بأن تكون واحداً من أسرتنا و نتمنى لك الأستمرار و الاستمتاع بالإقامة معنا و تفيدنا وتستفيد منا ونأمل منك التواصل معنا بإستمرار في منتديات ورقلة لكل الجزائريين والعرب و شكرا.


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منتديات ورقلة لكل الجزائريين والعرب
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركـاتـه

أهلا وسهلا في منتديات ورقلة لكل الجزائريين والعرب نحن سعداء جدا في منتداك بأن تكون واحداً من أسرتنا و نتمنى لك الأستمرار و الاستمتاع بالإقامة معنا و تفيدنا وتستفيد منا ونأمل منك التواصل معنا بإستمرار في منتديات ورقلة لكل الجزائريين والعرب و شكرا.


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Redmi Note 8 Charging Problem Solution – USB Ways

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منتديات ورقلة لكل الجزائريين والعرب :: °ღ°╣●╠°ღ°.. منتديات التقنية الفضائية والستلايت ..°ღ°╣●╠°ღ° :: منتدى الموبايل و الإتصالات

Redmi Note 8 Charging Problem Solution – USB Ways Emptyالسبت 25 يناير - 8:25
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عضو الجوهرة
الصورة الرمزية

عدد المساهمات : 17303
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/10/2012
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مُساهمةموضوع: Redmi Note 8 Charging Problem Solution – USB Ways

Redmi Note 8 Charging Problem Solution – USB Ways

Redmi Note 8 Charging Problem Solution – USB Ways

Looking for Redmi Note 8 Not charging problem solution usb ways? well, it is hoped that this article will help you out in the quest here. A charging problem will usually make it impossible for you to charge your phone.  Its even more annoying when you have a non-removable phone battery which makes it impossible to charge your phone with the universal charger alternative.

Redmi Note 8 USB charging problems just like any other phone can be traceable to certain possible causes which we shall be looking at and how to tackle them correctly so as to achieve best result.

Possible Causes Of Redmi Note 8 Charging Problem
Shorted/faulty diode
Shorted/faulty capacitors
Faulty resistors
Faulty IC (integrated circuit)
Bad USB Port/Cable
Partial contact
Haven considered all the above possible causes of a phone’s USB charging problem like the Redmi Note 8 USB Charging Solution which we are considering now, the information should be able to help you with a possible way out of this unpleasant circumstances.

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

Redmi Note 8 Charging Ways Not Charging Problem Solution:
In the below image we draw the Redmi Note 8 charging ways and its jumper check continuity using a multimeter if any track damage makes a jumper on Redmi Note 8 motherboard.

First, open the mobile
Then clean the section of the charging connector of the mobile motherboard
Then remove the old charging connector and add a new connector
After doing this, but the mobile phone in charge once, After doing these things, if the mobile is solved then fitting the mobile, If the problem is not solved after doing these, then I have given a picture below to do the job.
Redmi Note 8 Charging Ways
Causes Of Redmi Note 8 Charging Problems:
Exposure To Water: Water is a conductor of electric current which has the ability to cause any of the above component parts to become faulty or even damaged beyond repairs.
Bad Chargers: OEM (original equipment manufacturer) chargers are the best chargers for a smartphone. The generic ones that do not meet standard specifications potentially damages a phone’s charging system.
Ageing Factor: Ageing is a constant with any electronic gadgets, the components parts that forms the charging system can become less functional and even worse with time as they do have submission to the law of diminishing returns and would therefore need to be replaced subsequently.
Excessive Voltage/current: The both cannot be separated in the process of charging a phone, most phone chargers fall between 5.0 volt, 500mAh and 5.0 volt, 2000mAh specification etc. It should be noted that using a charger that supplies voltage/current more than what is required can be very detrimental to a phone’s charging system.
A Hard Fall: The component parts are solid state based, thus a hard fall will potentially if not immediately cause a USB charging problem amongst other likely occurrences like earpiece problem, mouthpiece problem,  network problem, screen problem. Unlike software level repair that requires you mostly flashing a phone, in hardware case you will have to troubleshot manually in order to locate the cause of a problem.

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

More information about this problem and solutions for new tips and tricks are going to this page, if there are new updates, there will be updates. Below are some related posts, you can read more about mobile phones.

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[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]


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الموضوع الأصلي : Redmi Note 8 Charging Problem Solution – USB Ways // المصدر : منتديات ورقلة لكل الجزائريين والعرب // الكاتب: fatimazohra

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توقيع : fatimazohra


Redmi Note 8 Charging Problem Solution – USB Ways Emptyالأربعاء 5 فبراير - 23:00
المشاركة رقم: #
الصورة الرمزية

عدد المساهمات : 14359
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/10/2014

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Redmi Note 8 Charging Problem Solution – USB Ways

Redmi Note 8 Charging Problem Solution – USB Ways

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