منتديات ورقلة لكل الجزائريين والعرب
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أهلا وسهلا في منتديات ورقلة لكل الجزائريين والعرب نحن سعداء جدا في منتداك بأن تكون واحداً من أسرتنا و نتمنى لك الأستمرار و الاستمتاع بالإقامة معنا و تفيدنا وتستفيد منا ونأمل منك التواصل معنا بإستمرار في منتديات ورقلة لكل الجزائريين والعرب و شكرا.


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منتديات ورقلة لكل الجزائريين والعرب
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركـاتـه

أهلا وسهلا في منتديات ورقلة لكل الجزائريين والعرب نحن سعداء جدا في منتداك بأن تكون واحداً من أسرتنا و نتمنى لك الأستمرار و الاستمتاع بالإقامة معنا و تفيدنا وتستفيد منا ونأمل منك التواصل معنا بإستمرار في منتديات ورقلة لكل الجزائريين والعرب و شكرا.


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بحث على الاحتباس الحراري بالنجليزية Greenhouse

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منتديات ورقلة لكل الجزائريين والعرب :: °ღ°╣●╠°ღ°.. منتديات التعليم الثانوي ..°ღ°╣●╠°ღ° :: منتدى السنة الأولى ثانوي 1AS

بحث على الاحتباس الحراري بالنجليزية Greenhouse Emptyالثلاثاء 27 نوفمبر - 22:31
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عدد المساهمات : 78913
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/06/2012
رابطة موقعك : http://www.ouargla30.com/

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مُساهمةموضوع: بحث على الاحتباس الحراري بالنجليزية Greenhouse

بحث على الاحتباس الحراري بالنجليزية Greenhouse

بحث على الاحتباس الحراري بالنجليزية Greenhouse


Global warming is the phenomenon of global warming in the environment as a result of a change in Ceylon thermal energy from the environment. And often called this name on the phenomenon of global warming in the rate. And the causes of this phenomenon on the ground level of any reason for the phenomenon of global warming scientists divided only say that this phenomenon is a natural phenomenon and that the Earth's climate is witnessing a natural periods of hot and chilled cold this by citing the period of ice or cold somewhat between the 17th century and 18 in Europe. This interpretation relieves many companies contaminated making it always returns to such scientific work to evade
مسؤليتها or her fault at high temperatures where the large majority of scientists and that may not deny that the phenomenon natural originally agreed that the versions of polluting gases Kalazot and dioxide Carbon This phenomenon Icoaan in while because some scientists to warming pollution alone only where they say that this phenomenon is somewhat similar to the far glass Baldwiiat and that these gases and pollution prevented or Icoaan of heating effect of the sun.
In greenhouse glass intervention sunlight heat carrier into the greenhouse, and then it does not get heat out at the same rate, leading to a higher temperature inside the greenhouse. As well as the cause of greenhouse gases emitted from the factory fumes and oil refineries and automobile exhaust (for example) in the same phenomenon, causing global warming.
Despite the advanced techniques and painstaking research, we find that global warming the atmosphere surrounding the Earth is still a mystery, especially as a result of overheating global climate over the past half century degrees Celsius took the ice at the poles and over the tops of the mountains Australian melt significantly. Climate scientists noted that the winters have increased over the last three decades warmer than it was before and failed epochs. Valrabie comes early for his appointments. This Argehouna to global warming. The English scientist attached (R. Akiamar) on this puzzling phenomenon by saying: Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. At this rate of melting ice could lose the legacy of the icy environment during this century. It has been observed that the trees in the polar region Heh there had increased height than ever before. We have increased the height of 40 meters on the unusually quarter of a century ago. This early warning indicator for the rest of the world. Because increasing global warming may occur environmentally damaging in other areas. This environmental destruction on our planet may Athmd consequences. Has ice away from it completely during this century. This ice has its effects on temperature, climate and season wind

And connects many scientists between the ocean and the currents in them and between the earth's temperature as these currents hot and cold is a conditioning system of the land any cooling system and heating have been observed recently that these currents have changed its course what made thermal equilibrium that existed turn and some scientists inferred the emergence of hurricanes in places you do not show them before.
Some scientists also connects the pollution produced by a change in the number of plankton in the sea animals due to an increase in the acidity of the sea as a result of carbon dioxide absorbed and interpret that human-induced pollution is similar to the butterfly effect it is just a torch that give the first installment of this process and plankton do the rest.

The effects of global warming, melting ice at the poles .. which scientists estimate that if he continued it would lead to dumping a lot of coastal cities around the world. Rising temperature of the earth to global climate change and desertification of large tracts of land. Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, halocarbons, SF oxide fluoride
In a report published by the Environmental Protection Agency what many say scientists and climate experts from human activities such as oil refining, power plants and vehicle exhaust are important reasons for global warming. The department said in its report that greenhouse gases accumulate in the Earth as a result of human activities, causing global average air temperature at the earth's surface and subsurface ocean temperatures. The report predicts that the sea level rises 48 cm which could threaten buildings, roads, power lines and other infrastructure in the areas of climate sensitivity. The rise in the sea level of the rates contained in the report could inundate Manhattan in New York with water until Wall Street. And United States is the largest producer of carbon dioxide emissions resulting from human and which scientists say is the main cause of greenhouse gases to global warming. Gases emitted from power plants, cars and other industries.
The world has witnessed in the last decade of the last century the largest wave of heat in the earth in a century where the increased temperature of 6 degrees Celsius. This means that there is a significant change in its Aihamd climate consequences. Has emerged floods, drought and desertification, famine and forest fires. And This
ماجعل scientists and world leaders upset and hold conferences to reduce this الإحترارية phenomenon that now haunt the world's conscience, which made us panic. This means that the land Cetktzhha floods and environmental disasters, epidemics and infectious diseases. In this scenario, we find that environmental first defendant Hogaz carbon dioxide, which has become a ghost hunting meant the future of the earth. And this is what he earned when a person over-the burning of oil and coal, wood, straw and crop residues increased the rate of carbon atmosphere. It also from forests and the spread of desertification reduced evergreen plant that absorbs carbon dioxide from the air. Making concentration increases.
To show the importance of climate and fluctuating that it has become a vexing environmental phenomenon. When the temperature dropped half a degree Celsius average for a period of two centuries since 1570 passed CE era make ice peasants Ahjohn land and suffer from famine to poor harvests. Above-ground and the longer periods of frost. And vice versa if temperature increased slightly in excess of the average make warmth long periods of frost and cold less which makes plants grow and multiply crop and durable seeking insects and spread. The climate of this equation is found depends on high or low average temperatures over the planet.
The scientists noted that the rise in minimum temperature at night caused by the intensity of the clouds in the sky because it reserves beneath the heat emitted from the surface of the earth or leakage of the upper atmosphere or space. This so-global warming or Maigal land
بالدفيئة or the houses Zjajph phenomenon. Which makes the heat of the day cooler. Because these clouds reflect sunlight in large quantities and Atjolh implemented including the land as if blocking the sun or cover for heat. On rainy days, we find that increasing soil moisture. Despite the large number and density of clouds in the sky but the temperature to Atertf because sunlight energy exhausted in the process of evaporation and drying of the soil.
And the Earth's temperature depends on the nature and characteristics of the surface, whether the presence of ice at the poles or over the tops of the mountains or soil moisture and ocean water that otherwise would have warmed the Earth. Because water absorbs most of the sun's heat, located on the ground. And otherwise the land above become unendurable hell which destroy crops and cattle. The wind and storms in its tracks affect regional or global climate through the bumps and depressions. For this, we find that global climate depends on a complex system of mechanisms, factors and variables in the ocean or atmosphere above the Earth's surface.
The land as climate scientists say without ambient temperature will drop to -15 degrees Celsius rather than the average temperature of +15 degrees Celsius. Because the atmosphere plays a key role in organizing the heat above rates. Because part of the incoming heat from the sun bouncing space and mostly kept in the lower atmosphere of the surrounding atmosphere. Because these lower class from the air contains water vapor and carbon acid gases, methane and other whole absorbs infrared. Vtschen this lower layer of the atmosphere to radiate heat again above the Earth's surface. This phenomenon is called global warming, the greenhouse effect, or greenhouse heat. With temperatures rising above the Earth's surface or the atmosphere surrounding makes waters of the seas and oceans and soil will evaporate. If the air is dry or warm it can absorb more water vapor amounts which increases atmospheric humidity. The more water vapor ambient increased global warming. Because water vapor retains heat. Then radiate the land.
It was found that cosmic radiation and clouds affect the climate changes in the world, especially as a team of German climate scientists at the Max Planck Institute Phaidlberg in their study of the climate recently published in the journal (Geophysical Research Letters) issued by the American Geophysical Union. Came out they found evidence on the relationship between these rays and climate change on Earth. We have discovered molecular masses of shipments in the lower layers of the atmosphere generated by space radiation. These lead to the emergence of blocs intensive nuclear shapes that turn into dense clouds play a key role in climate processes where each heating the world and others contribute in giving cold. Although this has not been identified to date and fully on the work of these clouds. But cosmic radiation amounts coming towards the Earth largely subject to the impact of the sun. Some say that the stars have an indirect effect on the general atmosphere above the earth. Some scientists believe that a significant part of the increase witnessed by warming in the twentieth century, may be due to the changes occurred in the activities of the sun, and not only in the so-called global warming caused by excessive use of fuel.
The German team has installed large ionic lens in one of the planes. They found that they conducted measurements may spotted for the first time in the upper layers of the atmosphere huge positive ions in dense numbers. Through monitored and found strong evidence that clouds play an important role in climate change according to their impact on the ionic nature and the formation and growth of these space particles in the upper layers of the atmosphere. Which supports the view that cosmic rays can contribute to climate change and affect the ability of clouds to block out light.
At the center (Tyndall research on climate change) of the University of East Anglia in Britain recently discovered the importance of clouds in the climate system and the clouds have a strong impact in penetrating rays of the Earth's atmosphere. Because clouds prevent some incoming shortwave radiation toward Earth, also absorbs radiation background of the type long waves of the earth resulting in blocking these rays short and long rays absorption cooler and increased atmospheric temperature, respectively. It may be severely affected by clouds, but so far does not appear evidence to support the validity of that. Because low clouds tend to be cold, while high clouds tend moving towards heat. This upper clouds are blocking sunlight less than you do low clouds as it is known.
But the clouds are phenomena capable of absorbing infrared. Because high clouds are metadata layers cooler than its counterpart in the low clouds and thus reflect less infrared outer space. But what makes it more complicated is the ability to change the properties of clouds to climate change, and the smoke caused by humans could confuse matters in relation to the impact of global warming on the clouds.
The Many scientists agree geophysics that the temperature of the earth's surface seems to be on the rise, while heat levels remain lower layers of the atmosphere for what it is. But this research, published on the effect of cosmic radiation is assumed that this radiation can cause changes in the outer cover for withdrawal. This cover may be provided an explanation of the mystery heat. And that difference in temperature not because of global climate changes caused by human climate. Because on this evidence is still weak. This effect is supposed to appear in the full height of the heat from the bottom toward the atmosphere. Although the scientists saw that the changes in cloud cover could explain this difference, it is no one could provide evidence about the reasons for the differences in the levels of global climate temperature. But a recent study suggested that cosmic radiation, which is about very small shipments and invade different planets in different sizes depending on the strength of the solar wind and this may be the missing link in the effect of cosmic rays on climate above Copna.
In the Himalayas found 20 glacial lakes in Nepal and 24 glacial lakes in Bhutan have inundated melted over the top of Himalayan glaciers, threatening crops and property drowning and flooding to these lakes for ten years to come. And scientists Brgeh that the reason for this fullness of these lakes with melting ice water. According to World Environment Programme found that Nepal has increased the rate of 1 degree Celsius temperature and ice cover over Bhutan retreat 30 -40 meters per year. This flood of ice water made Bhutan and Nepal authorities assess dams to preempt the dangers of these floods.
• With the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, around the year 1850, began to rise concentration atmospheric carbon dioxide, caused by the rise largely from the burning of fossil fuels which releases carbon dioxide as a result of sub, you may expect to take advantage of plant growing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, However, in reality it can to rising carbon dioxide in the atmosphere harm to living with photosynthesis more than help them. • held carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere some warming, and this makes the earth hotter, this may lead to reduce greenhouse precipitation on the ground, Vtaatsahr areas were no longer suitable for most plants. • as well as carbon dioxide reacts in the atmosphere with water and produce rain acidic, could lead to destruction of vegetation.


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بحث على الاحتباس الحراري بالنجليزية Greenhouse Emptyالسبت 21 ديسمبر - 18:52
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الصورة الرمزية

عدد المساهمات : 17349
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/08/2012

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